6 days to Semestral Examinations, I'm officially lagging behind. I've barely comepleted 3/5 subjects, I need some help here. I'm experiencing a little burnout, nothing's going into my mind whenever I study. Everything is going to repeat again, I'm just going to do badly for major examinations. Everyone around me is doing really well and I'm like the pathetic one trying hard to keep up with the pace.
Slept well, but still super tired during the day, the cycle repeats itself everyday. I need my break soon, break from all the notes and stress. I need a break so badly this time round.
Apart from all these, well I'm still quite thankful for friends who stood by. And of course you, you were always there ♥
Previous week was a week of adaptation, this week's going to be a week of challenges too. Need to overcome all the stress and sleepiness, I can do this. I hope.
And, I miss you lots ♡♡♡