Wednesday, 12 June 2013

#shorthair #yolo

As my blog title says it all, yes I had a really sudden haircut today. I just had to do something to make myself feel better due to some unpleasant incident yesterday, it broke me once again but I'd promise that after today, nothing similar could ever affect me anymore. Time flies, it has been 4 months. Yes, it's time to stop letting my life just revolve around the same old situation over and over. I'm tired, I don't want anything else from that to make me feel even weaker. I don't see why I have to be so affected when things on the other side is perfectly well and happy. But, I'm not. I'm really trying hard, allowing God to be part of it this time round. I. Need. To. Pull. Myself. Out. 

Stumbled upon this online as to why females have drastic short haircut (it's interesting,yeah)
Reason #9: To get over a bad breakup 
 It's a coping mechanism after a romantic crash, theorizes Helen Fisher, a Rutgers University professor of anthropology. A drastic cut is everything from a cry for help, to a symbolic phase change. It gets you attention and distracts you from the crappy, powerless emotions you're left with after someone breaks your heart. Whatever gets you through the day. 

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