Thursday, 25 September 2014

boring boring boring

I'm so in need of cash and yeah, no cash reward from my parents (if they did the sun will rise from the west). Meh, I've kinda bought alot of things but I'm still not contented. I need alot more clothes and tonnes more clothes to be throw away from my cupboard.

So far, I bought 2 dresses, 3 tops, 1 pants and 1 necklace which adds up to like.... $86 (picture below) My mum did pay like a small portion of it but the rest I had to pay with my savings. I DO NOT have allowance during the holidays. It's really bad when your holiday is 5 weeks long and you need to transform your entire wardrobe. Meh.

I guessed I felt alot better today after ranting some thoughts (which I've kept for very long) to my mum. Yeah, no one's perfect. Actually, no matter how close or distant a person is to me, I spot flaws like real fast. It's just that I'm used to bottling up everything and I guess no one can ever tell when I'm angry. Maybe that's a good thing too. I'm just too sensitive when it comes to words and action.. So confused now, shall continue this post another day.

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