Monday, 13 October 2014

introvert or extrovert?

Back for an interesting blog post today, it would be quite long so if you hate to read then I guess you should skip this post then. So, I chanced upon this Personality Test on a famous blog, it's called the Myers-Briggs TestWell, I am not a fan of all these types of tests but I guess this one is worth a try. ^ Click on it, I have linked it to the test website for you. The test took me around 10 minutes, the results I got was rather accurate so you should really give it a try too! It gives you an overview of your personality, about your strengths and weaknesses, and also providing relationship and friendship advises so on.

So, after completing the test, what I got was...

Yes, my personality is ISTJ. 
Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 7%, Observant: 29%, Thinking: 20%, Judging: 49%, Turbulent: 15%


Honest and Direct

Sometimes I don't know if this is a good trait or not but yes I am very direct and honest with what I say so do expect some words you can't take coming from me. I hate to always put up a front and act like a social butterfly, if I hate you, I think you should jolly-well tell from my body language and my tone. I don't like to beat around the bush to get something across, I will tell you everything straight in the face my feelings. So if you're looking a fake yet really nice girl, I'm definitely not one.

Strong-willed and Dutiful

Well, once I set my eyes on things or set goals, I will always stick to it and will not give up till I am satisfied with the results. Not trying to be greedy and all, but my current results is still not to my expectations, I will be back with better results. I hope.

Very Responsible

I will do all things you hand to me (I guess), of course good things and not those against the law and all. A promise means everything to me, so don't ever break any promises, I bear grudges for empty promises. Just saying.

Calm and Practical

"Peoples' preferences are a factor to consider in this process, and ISTJs work to make the best use of individual qualities, but these decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. The same applies to criticisms, for others and themselves."

That explains all I guess.

Create and Enforce Order 

I cannot tolerate people with no sense of direction when doings things, or simply those who breaks established rules. I do things by order and rules, so such of a robot but that's the most effective.


This point is not really me all the time, so let's ignore it HAHAH.


Stubborn; Always by the Book; Judgmental; Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves

Yes, I am very stubborn when it comes to personal decisions and choices, I do what I want. Facts are facts. I am always by the book, I hate changes and improvising things, I like to follow specific instructions when needed to complete a task. That's a bad thing, and simply explains why I am not a creative but an old and boring person. Judgmental, who isn't? I am quite anal about everything, take it or leave it HAHAH. I do blame myself rather than others when something goes wrong as I believe when things don't go well I am mostly responsible. I would think I could have done something to make it right.


"ISTJs approach relationships, as with most things, from a rational perspective, looking for compatibility and the mutual satisfaction of daily and long-term needs. This isn't a process that ISTJs take lightly, and once commitments are established, they stick to their promises to the very end. ISTJs establish foundations, fulfill their responsibilities, and keep their relationships functional and stable."

Not such to elaborate, but once I commit, I go deep down.


"ISTJs are a very methodical personality type, and this loyalty isn't given away lightly. Often slow to make friends, ISTJs usually end up with a smaller circle, but they consider that circle to represent a promise to be there for the people they care about, and ISTJs' promises are not easily broken.
Expressing emotional affection isn't one of ISTJs' stronger skills, but they nevertheless find ways to show it."

Loyalty towards friends is rather essential, isn't it what friends are for? I think it's true how I cannot make friends fast and I am better with a smaller circle of friends. I do have a couple of good friends, but it's often better to be in a small group, not a fan of a big group of friends. I can talk to anyone, but there is always a vast difference between friendship and socialising.

I guess this is all? My personality says that I am be a lawyer, judge or even a doctor, it's accurate if I were to compare to all other test I have did before. That's all for my personality, but no I'm not that simple to understand. I have a contradicting personality at times.

I guess my post is boring rather than interesting in the end HAHAH. That's all for now, bye.

Thanks for reading my blog ♡

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